Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Review: CYRUS

Very few film experiences will compare to the one I had when I first watched The Puffy Chair. One of the mumblecore movement’s most seminal texts, it introduced me to Jay and Mark Duplass, two brothers who set out to make real movies about real people, budget or no budget. In the case of Cyrus, their latest endeavor, budget is involved for the first time but the film does not fail to deliver heart.

In typical mumblecore fashion, Cyrus takes a painfully realistic look at relationships and their complications. Specifically, the film tells the story of John (John C. Reilly), a divorcee of seven years, as he begins a romance with Molly (Marisa Tomei). After a couple of hot and heavy dates, John decides to follow Molly home to see why she will not stay the night with him. The reason? Cyrus (Jonah Hill), her 21-year-old son who hasn’t yet flown the coop or seen his mom date. What ensues is a humorous rivalry between John and Cyrus and a sweet account of what it takes to accept people as they are.

Jay and Mark Duplass know how to write characters in true-to-life situations and Cyrus is no exception. With a small cast and tight focus, Rielly, Tomei, and Hill are given ample room to bring their own touches to their characters while still remaining true to the vision at hand. Rielly’s inflections, Tomei’s facial expressions, and Hill’s comedic presence have all been seen and heard before, but under the Duplass brothers’ supervision, they feel new again.

As Jay and Mark’s first bigger budget film, Cyrus does a fairly good job at finding a balance between mumblecore and mainstream. However, no matter how much I respect the integrity brought forth in the performances, I can’t help but believe that this film would have shined more brightly with at least one unknown actor in it. One of my favorite elements of mumblecore is the use of unfamiliar faces. That divide between movie star and moviegoer ceases to exist; the experience feels more authentic. My ultimate worry is that the more well-known the Duplass brothers become, the less present their style will be. I suppose only time will tell.

Cyrus ultimately proves itself to be a warm story with relatable characters. Despite my concerns for future Duplass films, I know that heart will always be palpable.

Rating: 4/5

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